
The Fun Theory

Volkswagon has come up with an innovative way of encouraging desirable behavior by applying the theory that people will be willing to do all sorts of things they wouldn’t otherwise if you make it fun. Sounds like a fun experimental project to me.

Be Inventive Like Ben Franklin

Maira Kalman has written a wonderful blog post on the inventiveness of Benjamin Franklin.I really like the excerpt from Ben Franklin’s journal. In addition to being early to rise – it is all about blocking out work and reflecting on objectives as a habit. Here’s to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Technology’s amazing, nobody’s happy

Good to be reminded (or informed if you haven’t been through it) from time to time how far things have progressed. High expectations have been created by the near magical capabilities that we are becoming used to. YouTube – Everything’s amazing, nobody’s happy: “” (Via Conan O’Brien Show.) Here is another humorous technology example using …

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